Compressed Hay
AT HEIDEL HOLLOW FARM, WE SPECIALIZE IN COMPRESSED HAY. Our compressed bales weigh roughly 35 pounds, and are stacked 40 bales per pallet for easy delivery and transport. These bales have the same volume of hay as a regular bale, just in a much smaller size.

Big Bales
These bales are weighed and charged by the pound. Our hay is processed in 3' x 4' x 8'x bales, which are available for purchase here at the farm. Individual bales weigh approximately 1,000 lbs, and can be loaded on your pickup truck.

Hydration Hay
Forage Solutions Hydration Hay®, The farm produces Hydration Hay for Forage Solutions LLC, which is a proprietary process that uses chopped timothy and orchard grass hay, chopped alfalfa, and vegetable oil to create a compressed 2-pound brick for easy transport. The brick rehydrates and feed to horses. Packaged in 6 packs and 12 packs. Additional information or to order call Forage Solutions, 908-809-0706.